Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tip Tuesday! 2 Surprising Foods for Energy and Performance

If you’re an athlete looking for natural ways to improve your performance, you’re probably already aware of the many profound benefits of juicing. I know a lot of people and athletes are looking for a natural energy boost to give them an extra edge as well.
What if I told you that the answer to your quest for improvement may be found right in the garden. Most people are familiar with the main benefit of beetroot which is reducing blood pressure (According to research by the American Heart Association), but new research is showing that beetroot can provide even more benefits (more on that later). Echinacea, on the other hand, has long been a known treatment in herbal medicine for the common cold, flu, urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast infections and many others. But did you know these two foods can also help improve your athletic performance?

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