Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tip Tuesday! 4 things to say that’ll boost HRA participation

As you know, completing a health risk assessment (HRA) is one of the best first steps employees can take to start improving their health – not to mention lower your health insurance costs. But there are some common problems.
Employees are often reluctant to complete HRAs for three reasons:
  • They’re unsure how completing an HRA will benefit them
  • They don’t know how the info will be used, and
  • They’re unsure what their employers’ motives are behind issuing the HRAs.
Employees are commonly concerned their answers will result in them paying higher insurance premiums.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I am going to share some tips on employees healthy welness matter.Employee retention also requires a healthy workplace, making your employees’ day-to-day experience safe and enjoyable. Think natural lighting, ergonomic workstations and well-ventilated air. Many small businesses resist making changes like these because of the expense, but investing in a healthier workplace is investing in employee retention.Take look at a glance on this-weekly wellness tips for employees

    Warm regards
    Sathiaja Sarah
