Thursday, December 3, 2015

Take this job and love it!

Want to feel more upbeat at work? Give these 7 habits a try 

Is there a secret to enjoying your job more? 

Some experts will tell you a key is to find meaning in what you do. That helps keep you positive — and productive. And you can use other strategies to improve your mindset too.

Here's to a great workday! 

Here are seven habits that may help people find more satisfaction in their jobs. Not every suggestion will work for everyone — duties and situations can vary greatly. But there may be tips here that can help you: 

1. Focus on how work fulfills you. Think about what makes your work valuable and meaningful. Are you a manager? Then it might be mentoring new employees or seeing your team work well together. Are you in manufacturing? Then it might be knowing that you make a product people need or want. 

2. Pat yourself on the back. You take pride in a job well done. Now and then, it's good to take stock of all you contribute. You might even keep a running list to look at on days you need an extra boost. 

3. Applaud others too. Look out for opportunities to praise your co-workers. Maybe someone made a tough deadline or came up with a creative solution to a problem. A timely compliment could make their day. And that benefits you too. See "Why helping a co-worker may help you."

Click here for entire article.

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