Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Avoid legal pitfalls: 8 quick performance review do’s and don’ts

by Julian Lopez

“It’s the best time of the year — time for performance reviews!” said no one, ever.
Both managers and employees get anxious when annual reviews come around. But managers may have it worse. 

Performance reviews can win or lose a lawsuit if an employee sues for wrongful termination, so the pressure’s on managers to get them right.

That also puts the onus on employers to create an effective and legally defensible review process.

Reviews: The good and the bad

To help, attorneys Susan DiMickele, Tara Aschenbrand, Jill Kirila, Meghan Hill and Traci Martinez of the law office Squire Patton Boggs compiled a quick-hitting checklist of best practices when it comes to creating defensible evaluations.

Some things they recommend employers do:

Click here for entire article. 

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