Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tip Tuesday! Meet the bill built to stop the overtime rule changes

by Christian Schappel

Senate and House Republicans want the Obama administration to do a little more research before pushing through its changes to the FLSA’s white-collar overtime exemption regulations. 

Legislation has been introduced in both branches of Congress to put a stop to the DOL’s final rule on the overtime exemptions, which was just submitted to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget for review — the final step before the rule is made pubic with an effective date.

The bill is called the Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act. It would require the DOL to conduct a comprehensive economic analysis on the effect the overtime reg changes would have on small businesses, nonprofits and public employers before it’s officially on the books.

If passed, the bill could potentially accomplish two other things:
  • It could push the DOL’s final rule far enough into the future that it would be at the mercy of the next Congress and president. As you may recall, the Congressional Review Act says that if a major rule is submitted to Congress with fewer than 60 legislative session days on its calendar, the next Congress gets 60-days to consider the rule.
Click here for entire article. 

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