Friday, February 20, 2015

Yikes: Horrific discrimination claims cost company $15M

By Christian Schappel

What’s scarier, these discrimination claims or the number of zeros in the award? 
California-based trucking outfit Matheson Trucking and Matheson Flight Extenders Inc. is paying dearly for racial discrimination claims levied against the company by seven former employees.
A lawsuit filed by the men — six of whom are black — claims Matheson let some pretty horrific stuff go on in its warehouse, according to a report by The Denver Post.
Some of the lawsuit’s claims, according to The Post:
  • White workers called black workers “lazy stupid Africans.”
  • White employees and black employees worked on separate sides of the warehouse.
  • White supervisors and workers often used the N-word around black workers.
  • In one instance, a white worker yelled that all blacks should be shot (and that worker was later promoted).
  • Calling a white worker, the seventh plaintiff, who stood up for his black co-workers, “the tribe’s assistant.”
  • That same white worker was fired after he challenged the company’s racist practices.
  • Black workers were passed over for desirable, double-pay holiday shifts, which were given to white workers with less seniority.
Click here for entire article.

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