Friday, April 8, 2016

6 ways to break free from worry

Try these tips to stay calm and present

We all worry from time to time. And sometimes it can serve a purpose. It can inspire us to take action or solve a problem. 

But here's what's not healthy: Your mind in a constant tangle of troubling what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. If you tend to do this, you can make yourself miserable — raising your anxiety, draining your energy and disrupting your life. 

Learning to let go 
Now consider this: Worrying all the time is a habit. That means it can be changed. You can train your brain to stay calm and look at things more positively.

Give these tips to try — to find what helps you let go of worry: 

1. Practice mindfulness. When worries arise, bring your attention back to the present moment. It's not an easy skill. But it does get easier with practice.

2. Create a "worry zone." Set a daily time and place — well before bedtime — where you can think about your concerns. When you find yourself fretting during the day, try to save those thoughts for your "worry zone." Like mindfulness, setting worries aside takes practice. And it can help you stay in the present moment. 

3. Ask yourself: Does this problem have a solution? Write down what you're worried about. Then make a list of possible answers. Focus on the things you can change. What's a first step you might take? When you make a plan, it can help you feel less stressed

Click here for entire article. 

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