Friday, January 13, 2012

Women and lung cancer: A growing threat

By Tanise Edwards, M.D.

What type of cancer kills more American women than any other? The answer to this question may be surprising to some.

Many women fear breast cancer the most. But, the answer is lung cancer.

Experts say it's a rising threat all women need to take seriously. And, that means not just smokers — but also women who have never once lit up.

5 telling facts
National statistics and findings show the toll lung cancer takes — especially on women:

1. Lung cancer is the No.1 cause of cancer deaths for both U.S. men and women. But, while the disease rate in men has gotten lower, in women it's increased sixfold over the last 30 years.

2. One of every five women diagnosed with lung cancer doesn't have a history of smoking.

3. Women with lung cancer who have never smoked outnumber their male counterparts three to one.

4. Women tend to develop lung cancer at a younger age than men.

5. Some research suggests that female smokers may be more vulnerable to lung cancer than men who smoke.  

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