Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tip Tuesday: Bid 2009 - And Your Bad Habits - Farewell Forever!

Despite the semi-cliche nature of New Year's resolutions, there is something to be said for the motivational aspects associated with wanting to make a change as we ring in another year. No wonder New Year's Eve has turned into such a sought after holiday. It is the last day to get all the mistakes out, because a fresh start begins at midnight.

I can't help but think of a quote from Anne of Green Gables, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet." As we welcome 2010, our slate is wiped clean and we have 364 more days to keep it that way.

So this New Year, why not make some resolutions and actually stick with them! Your body, your mind and your wallet will thank you. Let's explore some common New Year's resolutions and some ways to uphold them in 2010 & beyond.

1. Quit smoking
2. Lose weight
3. Eat out less
4. Save money
5. Drive less, bike more

In order to successfully follow through with your resolutions, turn them into goals and actually write them down. Seeing them on paper solidifies your decision to combat what you want to change this year.

Change your way of thinking. Instead of saying "I'm going to try to..." rephrase your goals as an "I" statement with a definitive timeline for completion. For example, "I will quit smoking by February 15, 2010," or "I will lose 25 pounds by June 30, 2010." Having a timeline enables you to work towards your goals, instead of making excuses and putting them on the back burner.

Most importantly, enjoy making your resolutions a reality! For instance, make exercising fun by doing something you enjoy, like playing the Wii with your family or going for a bike ride and getting some fresh air. If you feel yourself getting into a rut, switch it up a bit and keep it fun. Nothing interrupts resolutions like repetition!

Once you've achieved your goals, treat yourself to something you've longed for, but be realistic (remember, we are watching our wallets too). Knowing there will be a payout for success will give you added ammunition to make your goals a reality.

Good luck, I know you can do it!

Until Next Year,

Photo Credits: Reading Public Library

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